Basil Seeds

Basil Seeds:


The black seed obtained from the basil plant, commonly called Basil Seed, is also called Takh Malanga by people unfamiliar with its original name, as well as Tukmaria and Sabja Sabja seeds.  If these seeds are left in water for a while, a white substance like jelly becomes visible around them. In western countries, another type of seed like Chiang Seeds is obtained from plants called Chia Seeds.
 Although these two seeds are different. Both of them have many medical benefits.  Many people are aware of the benefits and uses of balanga seeds. Balanga seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, iron, fiber, calcium, antioxidants and protein.
 According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 26 grams of balanga seeds contain 120 calories, 5 grams of fat, 14 grams of carbohydrates, 14 grams of dietary fiber, about 4 grams of protein and zero sugar.
      According to expert guidelines, men under the age of 50 should consume 30.8 grams of fiber daily and women under the age of 50 should consume 25.2 grams of dietary fiber daily.  Should.  Just one ounce of balanga seeds contains 14 grams of fiber, which is more than half of the daily required amount of fiber.
 Balanga seeds are commonly used in beverages, their effect is moisturizing.  Balanga seed is added to the leftovers, it quenches thirst as well as relieves dryness of the body and dryness of the stomach and intestines. Its saliva strengthens the intestines and liver.  Its use improves gastrointestinal function and reduces acidity. The omega-3 present in balanga helps in digestion of food and also reduces acidity.
 It cleans the stomach and intestines, improves sleep and the immune system.  Protects against high cholesterol and strengthens the brain.  Balanga seed oil does not cause dehydration in the body, balanga seed oil keeps the skin healthy.  It also contains ingredients that help prevent the effects of aging on the face and hands.
 The alpha lipoic acid in it acts as a powerful antioxidant, it prevents the formation of wrinkles and lines on the face.  Balanga seeds are full of proteins, carbohydrates, essential fats and fiber.  The antioxidant ingredients in this seed help control diabetes and also benefit the skin.
 They are difficult to chew, so soak them in plain or lukewarm water before use so that they become gelatin-like and can be easily swallowed.  It is said to be useful to soak them in water for at least two teaspoons daily.  The following are some of the benefits of Balanga seeds.
 Lose weight
 Balanga seeds are high in Alpha Linolenic Acid which is derived from the omega 3 fatty acids present in them.
 These fatty acids help burn body fat.  These seeds also contain fiber which makes the feeling of fullness last longer, so nature is not inclined to eat more.  Foods high in fiber keep the stomach full and help with weight loss.
 Low body heat
 Balanga seeds are mixed with lemon water or syrup and drunk to feel cool in hot weather and to protect against the harmful effects of heatstroke.
 In Thailand, when the heat is at its peak, people use it as a beverage by dissolving balanga seeds in water, sugar, honey and coconut milk.
  Blood sugar control :
 Drinking a glass of milk mixed with balanga seeds is said to be useful for patients with type 2 diabetes.  Carbohydrates do not convert to glucose very quickly before use.
 Relieve constipation and gas:
 Soaking a small amount of balanga seeds in a glass of milk for a few days and drinking it daily at night before going to bed will stimulate the intestines and relieve constipation. These seeds cleanse the stomach and intestines.  ۔  They contain fats that help expel gas and help digest food.
 Acidity and heartburn:
 Balanga seed is useful in gastric irritation and its diuretic properties help the body to excrete toxic waste products. The accumulation of hydrochloric acid in the body causes the burning sensation in the chest.  Helps to fix.
 Healthy skin and hair:
 Grind balanga seeds and mix it with hot coconut oil and apply it on the skin affected by itching and eczema.
 Eating balanga seeds also increases the production of collagen in the body which helps in making new cells to replace the old skin cells. These seeds also contain iron, vitamin K and protein which make the hair thicker, longer and stronger.  Make
 Cold cough relief:
 Aromatic basil seeds have antispasmodic ability to prevent muscle spasms, which is beneficial for whooping cough patients and reduces cough attacks.
 These seeds also strengthen the body's immune system. They contain different types of fluid nodes such as Orient in, Vice in and Beta carotene which strengthen the body's immune system and cough, cold and flu.
 Provide protection from
 Useful for digestion:
 Due to the high amount of fiber, the seeds are useful for digestion. Fiber cleanses the stomach. It stimulates the stomach.
 It acts as a fuel in digesting a variety of foods and removes waste from the body.
 Useful in diabetes:
 Talang balanga digests food and makes it a part of the body. The phylloenolic acid and fiber in it slows down the process of glucose entering the blood. In this way, the insulin hormone does not have to work much.
 Bone strength:
 Balanga seeds are rich in calcium.
 It is essential for the weight and strength of bones. The element boron in it helps in absorbing manganese and phosphorus in it. Thus bones and muscles remain strong. The presence of zinc in this seed promotes oral and dental health.  Keep
 Useful for the heart:
 Balanga seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are very good for the heart.
 It loses the blocked arteries of the heart. It slows down the effects of age on the body and also lowers cholesterol levels. A good drink can be made from the seeds of Balanga. And it can be used in summer.  Can be taken with breakfast or before and at any time. Balanga seeds once a day provide up to 18% more calcium than the daily requirement.
 Calcium plays an important role in keeping bones strong.
 To lose weight:
 One and half glass of water, one spoon of balanga seeds, one spoon, honey, one and half spoon of lemon water. Soak balanga seeds in water overnight, take it out of the water in the morning, after one hour mix the rest of the ingredients in it and grind it.  Use it orally. This recipe is useful for weight loss.
 This seed should always be eaten by soaking it in water or adding it to any other food, otherwise it can cause many problems as it absorbs 27 times more water than its weight, sometimes this dried seed gets stuck in the esophagus.  Young children should not be given Balanga dry food.


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